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O Ser que é

“Todo o ser é o que é quando é o que deve ser; mas, enquanto fora da espécie humana, o dever ser se realiza por si mesmo e é por isso apenas ser, no homem, pelo contrário, o dever ser tem uma acepção diferente, já que, por virtude da sua vontade livre, o homem pode deixar de ser o que deve ser.”

Cavaleiro de Ferreira,

Lições de Direito Penal, II, Editorial Verbo, p. 11.

Mensagens populares deste blogue

The concept of universities

I have always liked the concept of universities as they were in Ancient Greece, where folks who had something cool to say would just come and say it. It wasn't about recognition; the impetus was the thought that you were resonating with ideas. Donald E. Knuth

Thousands and thousands of people

“There are thousands and thousands of people out there leading lives of quiet, screaming desperation, where they work long, hard hours at jobs they hate to enable them to buy things they don’t need to impress people they don’t like.” Nigel Marsh